Institution/Organization: University of Rochester
Department: Linguistcis
Web Address:
Level: MA / MSc
Duties: Research
Specialty Areas: Language Documentation
The Department of Linguistics at the University of Rochester invites
applications for its Master's of Arts program in Language Documentation and
Description. The 32-credit program can be completed in 3 semesters (plus an
optional additional semester for thesis/project research). Note: A tuition
award (for reduced tuition) is available for the strongest applicants.
The MA in Language Documentation and Description
( immerses students in best
practices as established by the language documentation community. It provides
students with a solid foundation in linguistics with an emphasis on the
collection and analysis of naturally occurring as well as experimentally
elicited primary data, such as video and audio recordings and written language
data. This program is very “hands-on”, giving students the opportunity to
compile their own language corpus, sketch grammar, and dictionary project with
a native speaker of an under-studied language. Individual fieldwork projects
are highly encouraged and supported as are applications for grants to fund
such trips. With skills transferable to other fields where the collection and
analysis of complex language data may be relevant, the MA in Linguistics
prepares students for further work at the PhD level in Linguistics or related
fields, or for employment in teaching or industry.
The Department of Linguistics at the University of Rochester is strongly
engaged in collaborative research and is devoted to involving graduate
students in research. MA students in Linguistics work closely with faculty on
developing their own research interests and participate in faculty members’
research projects. For ongoing research in the Department, see:
Additionally, MA students have the opportunity to work as research or teaching
The MA Program in Language Documentation and Description is one of three
Master's programs offered in the Department, beside an MA program in
Linguistics ( and an MS
program in Computational Linguistics
( Students and faculty
working in all three areas collaborate to produce high quality theoretical
research informed by strong empirical evidence.
We look for students with strong academic records who show breadth and depth
of interests, and the potential for creativity in pursuing a successful
linguistics program. A background in linguistics is not required.
To apply, follow instructions on the application link provided below.
For fullest consideration applicants should submit completed applications by
February 1, 2020. All documents should be uploaded online.
Applications should include;
- Official Transcripts,
- GRE scores,
- Three letters of recommendation,
- A statement of purpose,
- A writing sample, and
- TOEFL or IELTS scores for those applicants whose native language is other
than English.
Application materials should be uploaded here at the application link below.
To receive an application fee-waiver please go here:
Application Deadline: 01-Feb-2020
Mailing Address for Applications:
Attn: Amanda Sherry
500 Joseph C Wilson Blvd University of Rochester
Lattimore 503 P.O. Box 270096
Rochester NY 14627
Web Address for Applications:
Contact Information:
Amanda Sherry